
Command Line Options

Table of contents

  1. Bundle Analyzer
  2. Clean
  3. Config
  4. ESLint Validation
  5. Maven
  6. Mode: Development
  7. Mode: Production
  8. Project
  9. Stylelint Validation
  10. Watch (Dev Server)
  11. Other Commands

Being able to toggle things on/off is important in any application and we have baked in some useful ones to get up and running as-fast-as-possible.

yargs is used under the hood so you can do cool things like --no-eslint for example which will invert the boolean value to false instead of true.

Bundle Analyzer

Visualize size of webpack output files with an interactive zoomable treemap.

Argument Type Default Value
--analyzer Boolean false



Should the public directory for the specified project be cleaned?

Argument Type Default Value
--clean Boolean true


File name for the compose configuration.

Argument Type Default Value
--config <file name> String compose.config.js

ESLint Validation


Runs JavaScript validation against the input source (src/<project>/js) using your .eslintrc file.

Argument Type Default Value
--eslint Boolean true



When enabled, some internal cogs are switched so certain things don’t happen as they would when running a regular build.

Argument Type Default Value
--maven Boolean false

Mode: Development

Run the build in development mode.

Argument Type Default Value
--dev or -d Boolean false

NOTE: Running this flag along with the production flag will yield unexpected results.

Mode: Production

Run the build in production mode.

Argument Type Default Value
--prod or -p Boolean false

NOTE: Running this flag along with the development flag will yield unexpected results.



Define which project you would like to build.

Argument Type Default Value
--project String  

Stylelint Validation


Runs Sass/CSS validation against the input source (src/<project>/scss) using your .stylelintrc file.

Argument Type Default Value
--stylelint Boolean true


Watch (Dev Server)

Enable the webpack-dev-server as a proxy between your local source code and AEM.

Argument Type Default Value
--watch Boolean false


Other Commands

Argument Description
--help or -h Show help for the command line options
--version or -v Show the version of aemdesign-compose binary